I cannot vouch for it, but someone stated that there are seventy-five references to fear in the Psalms ― more than any other book of the Bible. Most often these refer to fear of God, sometimes to fear of nature, and sometimes to fear of other people.
Those who wrote the Psalms had neighbouring nations constantly attacking their country. David was constantly on the run. Fear of others is quite understandable.
What about the fear of God? Why do the psalmists talk about fearing God, who is supposed to love us? The more we know of God, the more awestruck we are. Reverential fear comes upon us. At the same time, throughout the Old Testament, the fear of God is linked with his love and tender care of us. Hence, the word fear is often translated as ‘honour’, ‘awe’, or ‘reverence’.
Over and over again the Psalms remind us that, if we fear the Lord, we need not be afraid of anything or anyone else. The psalmists also tell us that the fear of God is the beginning of true wisdom, the basis for friendship with God and the key to divine comfort.
So let us come before our great and loving God with reverential fear and trust that he will take care of all our fears.
The Lord is for me, so I will not be afraid. (Psalm 118:6)
Rev. Gordon