??.remember the heights from which you have fallen,? [Rev 2:5]
We?ve heard a lot in recent weeks about how far left the Left are, and how far right the Right are, as well as about right-leaning members of the Left, and the left-leaning members of the Right! Not to mention the ?loopy-Left?, or the ?loopy-Right?! (?it feels like there should be a punch-line here!)
According to the best human thinking, the politicians and their parties have offered the best policies they know how for the good running of the nation, and we have made our best human judgement in casting our votes to elect one, or another.
Yet God says, ??my thoughts?are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,?.As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.? (Is 55:8,9) There is human thinking, which may be somewhere to the left, the right, or in between. Then there is God?s truth, which is far greater than all human understanding. God?s truth is not on the left, or the right, but in the heights!
God calls us to listen above all to His Word, and therefore have our thinking and actions shaped primarily by His truth. This will enable us to see the truth and falsehood in all human thinking, and know what to support, what to stand apart from, and what to oppose.
May the will of God, our good, good Father, be done in Australia, as in heaven!
Grace and cheers,