I will raise them up on the last day.” – John 6:54b

You must not judge by external appearances. You must be guided by the Word which promises and gives you everlasting life. Then you truly have eternal life.

Even though your senses tell you otherwise, this does not matter. This does not mean that you have forfeited life, for sickness, death, perils, and sin which assail you will not devour or finish you. They will have to leave you in peace. They do not weaken or kill Christ. When these all have passed and have left you constant in your faith, then you will see what you have believed.

But you retort: “The fact remains that I must die.”

This makes no difference! Go ahead and die in God’s name. You are still assured of eternal life; it will surely be yours. To die, to be buried, to have people tread on your grave, to be consumed by worms – all this will not matter to you. It is certain that Christ will raise you up again. For here you have his promise: “I will raise you up.”

Therefore, your eyes will behold what your faith so confidently relied upon.

Martin Luther.