Remember Peace

We all want peace ? don?t we?!? Especially in our way too manic society, where we work and stress ourselves ?into the ground?. We are ready to grab hold of peace as soon as we get even the ?sniff? of a promise of it. The question is, is what we grab hold of really peace??. […]

Australian’s Love God Less

Just on statistics alone, Australians love God a lot less than they used to. Declared belief in the Christian God, and membership of churches, has ?dropped through the floor? in recent decades. Sure, some of that church involvement may have been just cultural, but a good amount of it would also have been real ? […]

Dying Words

I?ve had a number of conversations at after-funeral gatherings over the years where someone says to me something like ? ?I?ve always followed the Ten Commandments!?. I think that?s supposed to make a point to me that they will ?make it over the line? in the end? by the time that it?s their funeral I […]

Call on me

Ever been in an impossible situation?? In Mark 9:14-29, a man comes to the followers of Jesus with his son, who is possessed by a bad spirit, which causes him to be thrown to the ground, convulse, and froth at the mouth. He asks their help to free the boy from this torment; they try, […]