Thanksgiving & Blessing
and Baptism

Golden Grove Uniting Church welcome all people to share in the life and activities of our Christian community. Two of the important ways in which that may happen are through the service of Thanksgiving and Blessing for the Gift of a Child, or the Sacrament of Baptism.

Thanksgiving and Blessing for the Gift of a Child

Thanksgiving and Blessing for the Gift of a Child is suitable for families who are not at this time regular worshipping members of the church congregation, yet who wish to give thanks to God for the gift of their child (or children), and seek His blessing in their lives.    

Sacrament of Baptism

The Sacrament of Baptism is for adults, or children of families, who are regular worshipping members of the church congregation, in which God joins their lives to Jesus Christ and makes them full members of His Church and family, which embraces every part of their lives.

It is hoped that those who receive Thanksgiving and Blessing will in time also come to receive Baptism.

Please see the information brochure below which sets out the differences between the services of Thanksgiving and Blessing and the Sacrament of Baptism for children.

If you are interested in either of these services, for yourself, or for a child, please contact us via telephone (08) 8251 4298, or email to arrange a time for us to meet and talk with you.