‘Twas the Month Before Christmas….

Our Christmas tree isn’t up yet. There are few signs in our house that Christmas is just over four weeks away: just two token, tiny nativity sets and a 15cm wooden ‘tree’. This is not for lack of interest. I love Christmas! Yet the preparations can feel like another thing to add to an already […]

Israel of God

In the last month our emotions and thoughts have been in turmoil as we have watched TV broadcasts of the horrific war in the Middle East. We’ve seen lives and communities torn apart on all sides of the conflict. As Christians we must want to see peace come to all who suffer, as quickly as […]

Swim Free, Little Fish

Remember Nemo, the ocean-going Clown Fish? By misadventure, he found himself confined to an aquarium in the office of a Sydney dentist. He looked out fearfully at a big, scary world, wondering if he could ever muster the courage to try and break free to return to the limitless expanse of his native ocean. As […]

Mission Is-possible

We can think of mission as something that some other Christians do, in some other part of the world. We can then also think that if we send them some money and pray for them that we’ve “done our bit” for mission. Then we put it out of our mind until the next “mission speaker” […]

Fructive Family

We can have a love-hate relationship with our families; sometimes we adore them, at others we would like a divorce. It can be a bit that way within the church family too! But the family of God’s people should be the most attractive community in the world. In 1Corinthians chapter 12 and 13, Paul says […]

Get Connected!

Have you ever heard someone say, “He/she has friends in high places”? Or. perhaps, “It’s not what you know; it’s whom you know”? As a young man with a fledgling career, I’m certainly finding out these statements are true, to my consternation! My skills and qualifications matter less than I thought they might while I was learning […]

Mission: Gospel-Driven

What is the Gospel (the essential Christian message)?…. If we are Christian believers, we need to have an answer to that question – both for ourselves, and to tell any others who want to know. An answer needs to come from what the Bible teaches and could be put in a number of ways.  Most […]

Power & Responsibility

“With great power comes great responsibility” is a quotation that has entered the popular culture lexicon over the last couple of decades as a result in the Spider-Man franchise. However, the same idea has been around since biblical times! In Luke 12: 48, Jesus tells us that, “From everyone who has been given much, much […]

Adelaide Boy Makes Good

You may have heard that Rupert Murdoch, mogul of the world’s biggest media empire, has officially retired. And to think that it all started from taking over his dad’s newspaper business here in Adelaide. He might have been a good news man, but he also knew how to win friends and influence people… with money! In […]

Money, money, money…It’s a rich man’s world! 

I heard that song dozens of times in the car in my youth, being the son and grandson of ABBA lovers. Of course, as a child, I had no concept of what it meant. The song tells the story of a woman who dreams of marrying a rich man so that she can, in her […]