Low Is The New High

“We’re at a low ebb”, I’ve heard said about many things because of the effects of the COVID pandemic – hospitality, tourism, retail, just to name a few… and church life. Many of us wonder when, or even if, things will return to the former ‘highs’ we once knew as ‘normal’! There’s no telling. James says […]

The Certain Resurrection From The Dead To Eternal Life

“I will raise them up on the last day.” – John 6:54b You must not judge by external appearances. You must be guided by the Word which promises and gives you everlasting life. Then you truly have eternal life. Even though your senses tell you otherwise, this does not matter. This does not mean that you […]

Words, Words, Words…

News reports regularly tell us that levels of public cynicism towards politicians are at an all-time high. The perpetual criticism of the political sphere is that words of promise are not backed up with action. But come to think of it… I’ve been hearing those news reports for 50 odd years! Well – if those […]

This Sporting Life

It’s been race, after race, after race on our TV screens this week, as the track and field week of the Olympic Games has been in full flight. If anything was going to ease the pain of COVID-19 for the sporting nation of Australia, it would be this mega-international festival of physicality! Paul in the […]

Every Groan We Make

We’ve done a fair bit of groaning recently! Much of our groaning has been very understandable, given the COVID-19 pandemic. And for many around the world, the groan has signified a teetering balance between been life and death! The Bible also acknowledges this reality: it says that “we groan”, and that the “creation itself groans” […]

What if the worst happened?

Will SA continue to remain largely free of a major surge in COVID-19 infection, or, at some point, succumb, similar to the experience of the Eastern states? Things are feeling a little poised on a knife-edge at the moment. The truth is, we cannot know; it could go either way. Whichever way things do go, […]

Holy Insecurity

In South Australia, we’re feeling like we’ve ‘dodged a bullet’ to some extent, as far as COVID-19 infections and fatalities are concerned. Numbers of us have received at least one jab of a vaccine, and we hear of the daily numbers of vaccinations rapidly climbing. Yet for all that, vaccine hesitancy is still widespread, and […]

The Lord’s Prayer

A member of the congregation recently asked me why there are different versions of the Lord’s Prayer. Of course, the words of the Lord’s Prayer are Jesus’ words from the Bible, found in Matthew 6:9-13, and Luke 11:2-4. This means that the traditional version of the Lord’s Prayer is the Aramaic (the language Jesus spoke), […]

Linus: Jesus is the answer!… Snoopy: What was the question?

We have many questions. For example: “Am I going to pass my exams?”; “Can my family really afford this mortgage?”; “Will I survive this breast cancer?”; “How can I cope with my marriage breakdown?”; “What does my life mean now that my wife has passed away?”; “Will our society ever be free of COVID-19?”; or – on the more positive side – “How did […]

Reaping the Whirlwind

Decisions are increasingly made by governments in our Western society that move further and further from God’s good will for humanity. These developments are promoted in the name of “choice”, “progress” and “freedom, but they are actually without substance (like ‘empty breath’, ‘wind’). This year in South Australia, new legislation on abortion and euthanasia have […]