Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is predominantly a Christian tradition ? or at least, within certain parts of Christian tradition. The phrase is French, meaning literally, ?Fat Tuesday?. It was a name for the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent – the forty day period leading up to Good Friday, often considered a period appropriate […]

Who’s responsible?

Do you notice that whenever a politician is asked a question, the most crucial piece of information they assure us of is that they most definitely are not responsible!? It is always the opposition who are responsible, either because of what they?ve done, or failed to do, while in power. And they all do this […]

What is our only hope in life and death?

That we are not our own but belong, body and soul, both in life and death, to God and to our Saviour Jesus Christ. [New City Catechism] Our basic motive for life as Christians is that, in great love, God sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world to save us by sheer grace. In […]

Monthly Prayer

At our church we have a day of prayer, which is held on the second Thursday of every month, in the sanctuary, from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm. Please see Ray Holroyd, if you wish to help, to pray or just to have a quiet time for reflection. Everyone is most welcome.

John Wheatcroft

John WheatcroftCongregation chairpersonChurch council chairperson John is the man to see if you have any questions concerning the life or governance of the church.

Besmirched Bride

I heard a story ? purportedly true! ? about a very nervous young bride on her wedding day. Arrived way too early, she had to mark time in the hall next door that was all prepared for the wedding banquet. To quiet the nerves she walked along the tables sampling the dainties (too much!), and […]

Oh, no, Lord! Not Law, Lord!

When the lights on the police car flash in our rearview mirror, and we nervously (or irately!) pull over, and wind down our window to be confronted by the police officer, law is not something we necessarily feel very warm towards!? When the Bible speaks of God?s law, it includes the things that He commands […]

God, I’m listening

Has God spoken to you recently? During World War II, a young woman had studied Morse code and applied for a job as a telegraph operator. She was invited to an interview. When she arrived she found the waiting area filled with other applicants who were chatting nervously in anticipation of getting the vacant position. […]

Only on Loan

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). God is shaping us like a master sculptor. Sometimes we might wonder why our life experiences seem like fate and accident rather than purposeful shaping. At such times we must trust him. If God […]

New Things

Everybody likes new things, including God. The Bible begins with the story of His creating a new world, and ends with His plans to make a new heaven and a new earth. As 2019 stretches out before us, our heavenly Father wants to do new things in the lives of His children. He desires to […]