Mission: Gospel-Driven

What is the Gospel (the essential Christian message)?…. If we are Christian believers, we need to have an answer to that question – both for ourselves, and to tell any others who want to know. An answer needs to come from what the Bible teaches and could be put in a number of ways.  Most […]

Power & Responsibility

“With great power comes great responsibility” is a quotation that has entered the popular culture lexicon over the last couple of decades as a result in the Spider-Man franchise. However, the same idea has been around since biblical times! In Luke 12: 48, Jesus tells us that, “From everyone who has been given much, much […]

Adelaide Boy Makes Good

You may have heard that Rupert Murdoch, mogul of the world’s biggest media empire, has officially retired. And to think that it all started from taking over his dad’s newspaper business here in Adelaide. He might have been a good news man, but he also knew how to win friends and influence people… with money! In […]

Money, money, money…It’s a rich man’s world! 

I heard that song dozens of times in the car in my youth, being the son and grandson of ABBA lovers. Of course, as a child, I had no concept of what it meant. The song tells the story of a woman who dreams of marrying a rich man so that she can, in her […]


We either try hard to serve God and others and do the right thing, or we don’t serve God or others, because we find being a try-hard impossible, and so give up. But the true basis for serving has nothing to do with being a try-hard. God serves us before we ever think of serving […]

No Strings Attached

Has the government been regulating the airways to provide extra ‘smooth flying’ for Qantas? Has Qantas provided complimentary business class passage for government politicians?… Will we ever know? We get a little heated and cynical about this sort of thing. After all, we citizens try and do the right thing. However, when we do something […]

For – Giving

Crows supporters are going to take quite a while to forgive the goal that was stolen from them in the dying minutes of the round 23 AFL match against Sydney. Playing finals in 2023 was so near… yet so far (…violin music)! Generosity – the theme of our current sermon and Bible study series – is also all about […]

God’s Generosity – Our Poverty

We have nothing to offer to God. The Pharisee in the parable (Luke 18:9-14) – both wealthy and very religious – thought he had much to offer to God, which he gave. Yet, Jesus points out that this was worthless and not accepted by God (v14a). The tax collector – an obvious sinner – knew […]

Life’s Uncertainties

The feeling that life is not always fair starts early in life. You can hear the com- plaint among kindergarten children while they are at play. When did you last hear a child say, “But, why? That is not fair!”?  Winston Churchill is widely regarded as one of the greatest leaders in the Second World […]

Do You Follow Jesus this Close?

Rarely does a bumper sticker attract my attention – but this one did. As I inched closer to the vehicle in front of me at the traffic lights, the sticker, conveniently placed in the back window, caught my immediate attention. The question (opposite) has led me to reflect on my own relationship with Jesus.  Certainly, […]