What is the Gospel (the essential Christian message)?….
If we are Christian believers, we need to have an answer to that question – both for ourselves, and to tell any others who want to know. An answer needs to come from what the Bible teaches and could be put in a number of ways.
Most briefly, the Gospel is that God saves sinners by grace through Jesus Christ. (see Ephesians 2:1-10)
“Salvation from sin” doesn’t only mean being forgiven of wrongdoing, but humanity and creation ultimately being healed of all forms of brokenness. In short, “salvation” includes everything that wrecks life being overcome; and all that we most dream of for the world and ourselves that is true and good, being fulfilled, forever.
“Grace” means that: God alone does it – we can’t; He does it because He loves us; it is for all who will receive it by faith and repentance. “Through Jesus Christ” means that this could only be accomplished through His birth, suffering, death, and resurrection from the dead to eternal life.
We ought and will do many good things as Christians to benefit others and the creation. Yet the truth of the Gospel is the most important message in the universe for us and all people to know, believe, and live in the good of. Believing it, and holding it out for all others to believe in, is central to our purpose for being on planet earth – our reason for being: our mission (Matthew 28:18-20).
There is no greater privilege, no greater blessing, no greater joy than to bear witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Do it!
Grace and cheers, Jonathan.