When I was in high school, a student in our class was told by the teacher to remove chewing gum from his mouth. “One day,” he continued “I will tell you what is in chewing gum!” Years later, I met the teacher again, and related this incident. He could not remember the occasion, nor what substance was in chewing gum.
Having recently stepped on chewing gum, I went to the computer to discover what chewing gum was made of, and how this stubborn and irritating nuisance could be removed from a sneaker with a corrugated sole. Plastic is the ingredient that makes chewing gum…chewy, and it is listed in the ingredients as gum base.
The New Year summons us to have the ability to endure or persevere – to stick with God. To have spiritual stickability.
Joseph had an incredible ability to stick with God. Though he had been falsely imprisoned, you never read where he complained about his situation. Joseph was faithful to God even while it looked for a while that he had been abandoned by Him. The advantage that Joseph had in sticking to God was that He KNEW what was ahead. Nothing should deter us from our 2023 decision to remain faithful to God. Sticking with God requires our focussed determination. We must make the decision to actively stick with God and His purpose for our lives.
Stick with God no matter what. It will be worth it…you’ll be glad you did!
(Reverend Gordon)