I saw a cooking show recently that claimed to offer nutritious, delicious recipes at a low budget, suited to these times of soaring costs and energy shortages. However just as the show started, the electricity was cut, followed soon after by the gas supply. The host ended up espousing the great economy, flavour, and exercise and thermal value of eating raw sweet potato!
We’re all remembering the pain of high inflation at the moment (…if we are old enough! It was last millennium we knew anything like the current price hikes!).
Everybody is feeling this pain, however as always, those with less will feel it the sharpest.
God and Jesus are always on the side of everyone of course, but they have a particular leaning toward helping those without, beaten down and struggling (Lk 4:18,19). This is because they have a particular leaning towards giving grace to needy human beings, which we all are, but those doing it tough are more likely to know it, and sooner (Lk 5:31,32).
Jesus Christ also knew the cost of living. He earned His crust slogging it out in the carpenter’s workshop, and later as an itinerant preacher. For Him, ultimately the cost of living was… His Life. He loved the needy, broken world so much, and this is what it cost Him to bring forgiveness, healing and hope to us.
His love and grace can sustain us through all the cost and loss that we experience in our lives. And it makes and enables us to be loving and self-giving to all those doing it as tough as us, and to those doing it much tougher.
Grace upon grace, Jonathan.