I’ve been getting “back into the saddle” this week and thinking, how I can make this year the best that it can be? In other words, I’ve been seeking wisdom, accompanied by a fair bit of head scratching.
The Bible says that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Psalm 111:10). But then, what does it mean to fear the Lord?
In CS Lewis’ land of Narnia, Mrs Beaver tells the visiting children about the one they hope will rescue them and put all things to rights: Aslan, the great lion. The children react with fear, saying that Aslan “doesn’t sound safe”. Mrs Beaver replies, “of course he’s not safe! But he’s good.”
The fear of the Lord means that, He’s not safe, but He’s good.
God created us and sustains us, our lives are utterly dependent on Him. God is also utterly holy and rules all things in perfect justice (Psalm 111:9;3,7). If we separate ourselves from Him, or don’t acknowledge His justice and our failures, we are not safe. God and His truth will catch up with us.
Yet this same God is also a loving Redeemer: He is “gracious and merciful”, “ever mindful of His covenant” with His people, and “sends redemption” to them (Psalm 111:4,5,9). God’s Son, Jesus Christ, gave His life to pay for all our failure and wrongdoing. As a result, God forgives and saves all who look to Him in faith and repentance and makes them His dear children now and eternally.
There is nothing in the universe as good as that.
This is wisdom: you and I can build a year, a life, an eternity on that.
Grace and cheers, Jonathan.