There’s been a lot of discussion of politics recently, and the different positions that people hold to. These differences are taken by some with grace and good humour, but between others with passion verging on violence. In some contexts we can be hesitant even to admit to our political views – whether we are toward the left, or toward the right. The truth is, there are sincere Christians on all sides of politics.
In the book of Revelation Jesus Christ strongly exhorts believers to “come back to their first love” (i.e. their number 1. Priority) from which they have wandered away. He doesn’t say “you should be more left-wing….” or “right-wing”; instead He says, “Consider the heights from which you have fallen” (Rev 2:5). We get our understanding of what is most important and essential in life, not form the left, nor from the right, but from the heights!
“The heights” referred to here is God’s wisdom and truth (Is 55:8-9) – i.e. the Gospel of His saving grace in Jesus Christ (Eph 1:7-10) – in the whole teaching of the Bible. This is where we get our wisdom and direction from as Christians; this will tell us what is good and right that we should support and do, and what is not, in the political sphere – whether on the left, or the right. It will also show us that, as we hold to the truth and grace of Christ, on whatever side of politics we may be, we are reconciled into one family of God the Father as brothers and sisters, and can enjoy living life together.
Grace and cheers, Jonathan.