A week after Easter Sunday, Jesus came and stood among the disciples and said, “Peace be with you!” The disciples were overjoyed when they saw him. But, for some unknown reason, Thomas (or Didymus or Twin), was missing. When told of the Lord’s appearance, Thomas refused to believe. He wanted proof. A week later, Thomas was with the other disciples when the Lord appeared again. When Thomas was invited to touch the Lord’s pierced hands and side, he burst out, “My Lord and my God!” These are the last words of a disciple recorded by John. Doubting Thomas became Believing Thomas.
There are plenty of people around who clearly indicate that, when it comes to matters religious, don’t think – just believe. In contrast, Thomas was one who said that faith was a matter of both the heart and the head. Doubt can be beneficial. Someone said, “Doubt is the mother of faith.”
No person’s faith can rest on another person’s experience. We benefit from other people’s stories and spiritual journey, but we cannot adopt someone else’s faith.
John closes his gospel, “These (words) have been written in order that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God.” The Bible is intended to produce in us the kind of faith that emerged from Thomas.
Rev. Gordon.